Whether you're hosting or attending a party your goal is to have a lot of fun. Shieeet, life is hard and sometimes you need to take a load off. Right?!
We did some research and thought "What does the average party look like?" Well, it's bad. It's pretty bad. You get into a room and everyone is talking to the person they came with or they're on their phones counting their likes. It's bland, boiled chicken bland. Yuck.
That's why we created AUXGOD. It gets everyone together to enjoy the party instead of people isolating themselves or waiting for the right time to leave. Your guests will be dancing, singing and like any good party game, passionately arguing. But most importantly, everyone will be together enjoying each other’s company and creating some wild memories.
Your next party!

Word on the street
What you get!

100 + playing cards
The majority of the time when you're playing a card game after a few sessions the game runs stale. There's no more surprises because you know what to expect. Well, not here, not this game! We've designed each card to have tens to hundreds of songs to play against it. There are so many options that no two game nights will be the same. That keeps the game fresh. As artists make more music, the more options there are to play. This won't run stale like a bag of cheap chips. We'll always be fresh.

MEMORIES with friends + family
Let's face it, when you're linking up with your friends or family it's a rare occasion and it should be celebrated. So why not make it memorable? You work too damn hard to not enjoy those moments to it's fullest. AUXGOD gets people unhinged, we've seen people dance on tables, create choreographed routines, and even grab a tennis racket handle and use it as a microphone. You're already using your phone to play so take a photo or video and save those moments...as embarrassing as they might be.

We know when you're playing there's always the chance of someone spilling their fancy boxed wine on the table or a card being torn. So we reinforced our cards and packaging with a gloss coating and linen threading to be resistant to such accidents. This doesn't mean you should dunk the cards in a fish tank or try to rip them like you're Wolverine. It means if an accidents happens your investment isn't damaged for good.
Get the party started