Party Proofing Your House

“How the heck am I going to prepare my house?!!”

You’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to host your first house party. We’re happy for you! This is your chance to create a celebration that your friends and guests will never forget! However, there is a slight problem. You’re going to have a big shindig this upcoming holiday, and you need to make sure that no one messes up your home! If you're planning on hosting a party in the near future, there are a few things you should do to “party proof” your home and keep it on the safe side during your celebration. Not only will party proofing your home help you keep your furniture clean and prized possessions intact, but it will also give you the peace of mind to enjoy your party instead of worrying about protecting your home from rowdy guests!

House parties are a staple of modern culture. They're the perfect way to get together with friends and family for casual drinks and conversation. But, like any event, house parties can quickly get out of hand. Once the drinks start flowing and the music starts playing, even your most reserved and well-mannered friends can quickly get swept up in the frenzy. If you don’t take the right precautions, a party can turn your home into a zoo in the blink of an eye. 

Here at AUXGOD, our team has seen its fair share of party nightmares – from wine-stained furniture to broken decorations, you name it, we’ve witnessed it! Luckily, our unique “combat experiences” have given us a couple of insights into how you can avoid these disasters at your next shindig! If you’re about to host a party this weekend, here are three AUXGOD-certified tips on how to party-proof your house and make your celebration as painless as possible:

Hide Your Valuable Decorations

We get it! You’re proud of your tasteful and unique home decor. But there’s a time and place for everything, and a house party with dozens of guests isn’t a great time to display your late grandmother’s prized antique porcelain vase from the 1800s. If you want to focus on having fun instead of worrying about the state of your favorite possessions, take the time to hide them away before guests arrive. 

Pick an area in your house (preferably somewhere with a locking door) and designate it as your “safe room.” This room should be one that’s far away from any possible party chaos, like a guest bedroom or hidden closet. Use it to store all of your valuable and fragile possessions far away from the epicenter of your celebration and the potential chaos that might come with it. If you have some objects in your house that you can’t move because they’re heavy, bulky, or crucial to your party theme, make sure you let your guests know about them while they’re still sober. While you might not be able to get these objects completely out of harm’s way, this is the best way to minimize the chances of your party guests damaging your expensive possessions during the party.

Get the Right Cleaning Supplies

Even if you have the world’s most considerate party guests, they’re bound to cause at least one mess during your celebration. From spilled drinks to dropped food, there are countless ways for your friends to make a mess in your house. When this inevitably happens, it’s vital that you have a plan in place to handle the situation. After all, just because you like to party doesn’t mean you want the aftermath to remain in your house for a week after the guests have left!

We all know the aftermath of a party can be a mess. In order to get your home back to its normal state, you need the right tools for the job. Party proofing your house means stocking up on some crucial cleaning supplies that will help you tackle the aftermath of your shindig. Stock up on paper towels, mops, brooms, and cans of air freshener for a quick post-party cleanup job!

Expert Tip: Make sure you acquire all of your cleaning supplies before the night of your party! The last thing you want is to wander around a superstore the next morning with half a hangover murmuring something about “I need a mop.”

Protect Your Furniture

Furniture is expensive, and it's also one of the easiest things to get dirty during a party. One of the most crucial aspects of party proofing your house is to make sure that food and drinks are on surfaces that won't stain. Not only will this save time and energy when it comes to cleaning up after the event, but it will also give you peace of mind during the party! While it may be tempting to keep drinks and snacks close at hand for mingling, you should resist the urge – it’s always better to walk an extra few yards than to get wine stains on your couch.

You should also make sure that your guests have enough space to move around during the party. If there are objects in the way like tables or chairs, try moving them out of the way or removing them altogether. The more space your guests have, the more they’ll feel comfortable and enjoy the party! You can even move some of your furniture to clear a dancefloor area for your guests. That way, everyone can get moving and dancing without having to worry about tripping over a chair or running into the dinner table!

We hope these three time-tested party-proofing tips from the AUXGOD team will help you keep your house in order, your peace of mind intact, and your next celebration a smashing success!

Throwing the perfect party can be both an exciting and stressful ordeal. From choosing music to planning entertainment, being a party host can get overwhelming fast! That’s why we created AUXGOD –– the music card game that combines improv, trivia, karaoke, and a dose of competition to create the perfect party activity! Make your next celebration with friends a memorable one. Visit our shop and get your hands on an AUXGOD deck now!

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